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Media Reviews:

The Smithtown News, volume 64, No 31 July 2009, Kyle's Paintings featured, "Lights In the Dark" Summer in bloom at Arts Council.

New York Times Sunday August 5, 2007 Kyle’s Senior Major Painting students painting in Kyle’s studio at Usdan Center featured page 1 and 12 section 14. “Promoting the Arts (Minus the Crafts) by Kathryn Shattuck. Photograph by Phil Marino for the New York Times.

Art News Review of “Pop Music and Art”, by Barbara Pollack. September 2003. “…From making sculptures out of melted LPs, to creating album covers and music videos, to playing in their own bands, a new generation of artists is blurring the distinction between the worlds of pop music and fine art”, writes art critic Barbara Pollack in the September issue in Art News. “Kyle Blumenthal provides headphones with her music-inspired pop art and realistic paintings to allow the viewer to feel the artwork both visually and aurally”.

The Suffolk Times Painting featured, Review of “Rising Above the Shadow”.

The Long Islander Painting featured, Review of “ Rising Above the Shadow”.

Channel 12 Interview at ””: Exhibit of Madonna and Child.

Northport Journal Article. (Blumenthal Paintings On View In South Huntington.) Page 3. May 21, 1998 by Jenn Abelson.

Three Village Herald Article. Kyle Blumenthal. Page 21. April 12, 1995.

North Shore Woman's Newspaper Striking The Balance, (The Life & Art of Kyle Blumenthal) Page 2. April 1995.

Community Digest Article. Kyle Blumenthal an Expressive Painter. December 1995.

Three Village Herald Painting featured on Page 24. June 15, 1994.

Newsday Weekend Section Part II. Painting featured Page 88. Jan 31, 1992.

Smithtown News Part B Painting featured on front cover. Jan 16, 1992.

Times-Beacon Newspapers Leisure Section. Painting Featured Page L13, Feb. 8, 1990.

New York Times Sunday Feb. 4, 1990 Painting featured, Review of "A Woman's Point of View." By Helen Harrison. "Kyle Blumenthal also presents generic characters not as individuals, but as grist for the painter's mill. In Summer Fun, anonymous bathers cavort on the sunstruck beach, while in Four Figures, a group of pubescent girls ubiquitous denizens of the malls and pizza parlors offer an opportunity to experiment with lush brushwork and subtle surface qualities."

Newsday Art Review of "A Woman's Point of View", by Alastair Gordon. Jan 1990. “But there are still some pleasant surprises worth considering, including the work of Kyle Blumenthal, who paints with the most assurance in the show. Interestingly, she also writes the briefest personal statement. Blumenthal offers three oil on paper impressions of women in groups; a mother and her daughters standing at the beach with the surf washing seductively about their legs, and a strangely enigmatic scene of two woman engaged in some sort of dialogue."

WLIG Channel 55 Jan 25, 1986. Long Island Magazine. Long Island School for the Gifted. Kyle at work in the Art Room.

Newsday Part II/Page 23 1983 by Malcolm Preston, art review of "First Annual Long Island Artist Exhibition." Juried Show at the Fine Arts Museum of Long Island. Oct., 1983. “The quality of this show, as a whole, surpasses every big sprawling annual in recent years."

Arts Magazine Feb. 1976. Review, Page 31, Solo Show at the Harkness House Gallery, New York City. "Blumenthal paints and draws in a wide variety of styles, but her preferred subjects are people. Colorful costumes add to the interest of her paintings. When the costumes are modern, they often lead this artist into semi abstraction. Her portraits are often good examples of this style, which features daring use of color. Portraying a scene in Bali, she faithfully records native patterns and textiles, marvelous basketry, and luscious tropical fruits. At other times she goes back in history by investing her romantic aura of the period of Lautrec and Degas, without copying their techniques. Actually, she is a tonal painter rather than an Impressionist."

Kyle's Art - P.O. Box 444, Stony Brook, NY 11790-0444
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